Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Have you planted already?

Soaking, drenching rains can be hard on plants if you made the decision to plant early but let me explain what is most important.

1.  Make sure your containers have drainage holes in the bottom and that they are not plugged.  Tip them over, ram a screw driver in the drain hole and make sure they haven't silted in and can drain well.  Sometimes that hole will plug up and fail to drain water at a fast enough pace and your plants will sit in water.  If you see water puddling on the top of your pots you must unplug that hole.

2.  If you have planted Coleus you must move it into the garage.  Get the old man out of the recliner and have him help.  I know he hates it and complains a lot but if you give him "that" look he will do it.  It always works around here.  All plants will grow wet.  All plants will grow cold.  But coleus hates it if it is wet and cold at the same time.  A couple cooler nights coming up and with all the rain we have the perfect conditions for coleus collapse.  Don't worry about all your other combinations.  The sun and wind will return and dry those pots out and you will have no problems.  We like a good rain at our location because it means I don't have to water as much and THAT is a wonderful thing.

Questions, Comments, Concerns,  Feel free to give us a call.  Phone numbers located at

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